"Set in turn-of-the-century Kansas, an isolated farmer finds the body of a woman along side a road and uses her to get over the death of his wife. A reluctant trip into the family home brings unwelcome memories and a recent hunting trip has unusual consequences."

Director's Statement

Rabbits is the second in an informal Kansas Trilogy that began with my 2014 short film Somewhere Between Freedom and Protection, Kansas. The landscape and stories of the Kansas prairie are mystical to me. Magical.

Westward expansion brought pioneers into the wilderness with a promise; work hard, have children and find success. But what about the poor souls overcome by the wilderness, isolation and bad luck? This is the impetus of Rabbits.  

Cast & Crew

Directed by
Patrick Clement

Written by
David Mar Stefanson

Story by
David Mar Stefanson
Patrick Clement
Brusi Olason

Produced by
Patrick Clement
Brusi Olason

Associate Producer
Donggyun Han

Jonathan Hansen
Sara Sommerer

Production Designer
Erica Goodman

Costume Designer
Alanna Goodman

Technical Advisors
Jaime Brown
Ed Schoenberger

Matthew Pelsma

Academic Advisor
Hilary Brougher

Rabbits was produced for credit towards graduation at the Columbia University Film Directing MFA Program, at the Columbia University School of the Arts, New York, New York, 



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